Friday, August 2, 2013

RIP Helmy


Today is a sad day. I know it doesn’t resonate with the theme of this blog… but it calls for a post. Life is so strange sometimes, not to mention ever so fleeting. Yesterday, I was catching up with Chris over dinner on our happenings of the day and he told me about a fatal car accident that he witnessed at southbound highway. He said it in such a-matter-of-fact way... it looked pretty bad don’t think whoever in it would have made it, but oh well shit happens you know... and then later in the night I was shocked to learn that the passing victim was actually my colleague! A young 33 year old father hit by a sleepy driver while on his way home to break fast with his family. He died on the spot. Leaving 2 young kids and wife behind. Their Raya will never be the same again. Breaks my heart to even imagine how are they gonna pull through this undeserving ordeal…

I don’t know Helmy well but we’ve worked together on a couple of projects before. We have debated and exchanged views; I bumped into him at the lift just days ago where we smiled and talked briefly. He had a chance to live, had the sleepy driver decided to pull over and rest.

Suddenly it becomes a jolt... just too close to home. Rest in Peace, my friend.
